Are you curious about SMS marketing? If the answer is yes, you want to know how the speed of SMS messaging can positively or negatively affect your campaign. Today, we’ll be explaining why your SMS speeds matter and how you can make messages send faster on Android and iPhone.
If you got here searching “how to make messages send faster on Android” or “how to make messages send faster on iPhone,” we’ll share tips that can help you improve your speeds to impress your customers. Read on to get more insight into answers to these common questions.
A Primer on SMS Marketing for Businesses
When someone refers to SMS marketing, that’s the same thing as marketing through text messages. You probably are familiar with it since brands may be marketing to you in text messages. A single business might send a message to thousands or millions of individuals who have opted to get those text messages.
For example, restaurants, retail stores, and other businesses might send out a text message with a coupon for signing up for their marketing through text messages.
Due to the strict regulations to protect consumers in the United States, companies are only allowed to send texts to those who have opted in. From the side, the consumer only gets these SMS marketing texts from businesses where they have permitted it.
Another thing to be aware of with SMS marketing is how amazingly effective it can be. About 80% of consumers note that SMS is the quickest way to contact them. When it comes to email marketing, these can either sit in an inbox for a day or even be passed to the trash folder where nobody sees them.
Beyond that, about 90% of text messages are seen within three minutes. That’s super impressive compared to other methods of marketing. When you have a time-sensitive alert or promotion that you want people to take advantage of, there’s no better option than a text message.
Why Speed Matters for SMS Messaging
Now that you know why SMS marketing is so important, you might wonder why many people ask, “how do I make my messages faster?” The thing is that speed can be just as important as the message. While the right content is essential, speed also affects things.
Let’s say a company that creates SMS marketing software doesn’t hone things to the point where messages send lightning-fast to customers. It might not seem like a big deal – but in some cases, it can be. For instance, people who have subscribed to get your texts might get them after the promotion ends. In the worst-case scenario, a critical alert won’t be received until it’s too late.
One of the most important terms to be aware of in terms of how to make text messages send faster is “messages per second,” or MPS. However, when it comes to visualizing how fast messages can be sent, some opt to use “messages per minute” or MPM as an alternative. It’s easier to think about the length of a minute and how many messages correspond to it.
So, what is the specific number of messages per minute when using SMS marketing software? The maximum is traditionally set at around 6,000 MPM. The technology, SMS throttling, or even the aggregator relationship often make this the maximum amount of SMS that can be sent out in 60 seconds.
If you’re a local business with around 10,000 subscribed on SMS, that 6,000 points are reasonable. In two minutes, all of the subscribers to the SMS will get a promotion and be able to use it if they wish. However, not all senders have small lists, and 6,000 MPM might not cut it for every person.
Let’s look at a more significant business that operates across the country. Maybe there are 2,000,000 subscribers for their SMS marketing. For the smaller business, 6,000 texts a minute was reasonable. However, once you have hundreds of thousands or even millions of subscribers, you need more. Your message could be sent to people hours later and even get to some subscribers too late for them to take advantage of it.
We can break that down a bit more to give you an idea. Maybe you have a larger retail store and want to send 3,000,000 SMS messages about a flash sale. If you send 6,000 messages each minute, it will take over eight hours to get all the messages sent. This could mean some only get the text after the sale is over.
As you can see, SMS marketing is important, but knowing how to make messages send faster in messenger is just as essential. If you’re delving into the excitement of text message marketing, Esendex may be able to help you meet and exceed all of your needs and goals.
How to Make My Messages Send Faster with Esendex
At Esendex, we understand how important it is for you to find out how to make messages send faster for text campaigns. That’s why we’ve created a system to ensure all those SMS messages are sent out fast.
As we mentioned, many companies offering SMS marketing solutions have a maximum amount of 6,000 MPM. However, there’s no reason you have to deal with slow speeds when working with Esendex. Our innovative texting messaging API can send 200 SMP per second to everyone on your contact list. That’s double what you expect with other providers, but it’s for every customer.
We offer this solution to make messages send faster because we know how important it is. You want your timely texts to go out and reach consumers in seconds, not minutes or hours. Our system can quickly move through your entire list to ensure people see your message sooner than they would with other text marketing solutions.
When you choose other SMS providers, you are stuck with a lackluster 6,000 MPM. Choosing Esendex lets, you focus on getting the right message through while we handle the speed. It would help if you were never concerned with messages not making it in time, even for important notifications.
Our programmable SMS API lets you create conversations with prospects, patients, parishioners, members, customers, and others. We help you boost engagement and conversions with an affordable text message API you can trust.
We’ve gone over the quick speeds you get with our API, but that isn’t the only benefit we offer. Have you already created buyer personas for your different customers? If so, we offer message concatenation that works. You can send out organized messages to the right audience segments every time.
In addition, you can send more than simple texts. We also support sending mass MMS messages for your brand, including links, GIFs, videos, images, and other items. This can be a great way to create more interest in your brand and get eyes on your messages.
Our SMS API was created to offer the best ROI for your business. It’s made with a robust API that makes sending out tons of texts more affordable and efficient than in the past. We do not have any contracts or hidden fees; you can pay as you go.
If you’re ready to learn how to send messages fast, visit our website and learn more. Don’t hesitate to contact our sales team when you choose Esendex as your SMS API provider.