Text Marketing Services

Easily start text marketing to customers with our SMS broadcasting software or programmable SMS API!

Trusted Text Marketing Service

Esendex’s Text Marketing Service is Trusted by Some of The Biggest Brands in The World!

Text Marketing for Business

Text message marketing services have become the cornerstone of many business marketing and communication strategies. Whereas email or voicemail marketing was previously the most popular method for connecting with the customer, the text has quickly risen to outpace both of these technologies in terms of effectiveness and adoption, both from the perspective of users and businesses.

Text marketing’s flexibility makes it ideal for all industries, regardless of business size or target audience. From retail to banking and more, every sector recognizes the potential for text marketing.

Guide on Text Marketing

Text marketing is often touted as the “best” communication and marketing method, with companies citing high open rates, engagement rates, and click-through rates.

SMS and MMS messages are reportedly read more quickly than emails and given more attention than voicemails. This certainly sounds too good to be accurate, but past and recent data corroborate such claims.

Effectiveness of Text Marketing

According to the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association (CTIA), 89% of users always have their smartphone within arm’s reach. This is somewhat unsurprising, considering that the Pew Research Center reports growing smartphone and technology adoption rates across all age demographics. As of 2021, 96% of young adults (ages 18-29) have smartphones, and the same is true for 95% of middle-aged adults (ages 30-49), 83% of older adults (ages 60-64), and 61% of senior adults (ages 65+). And as of 2022, 95% of teens have access to a smartphone (as opposed to only 73% in 2014-15).

These high adoption rates persist across socioeconomic categories, as well. It is mainly unsurprising that households with a combined annual income of $100K or more have a 97% smartphone and technology adoption rate. However, less predictable is the fact that 87% of households making $30K – $99,999 have adopted smartphones, and even 76% of households making less than $30K annually still have smartphones. Smartphone adoption and ownership also remain high across different racial and ethnic groups (Hispanic individuals have the lowest ownership rate at a still-impressive 83%), educational levels (only 75% of those with a high school diploma or less education have a smartphone), and geographic location (rural areas have the lowest ownership rates at 80%).

These impressive ownership rates may be tied, at least partly, to the reputation that SMS messaging has built: CTIA reports that 93% of customers consider wireless messaging a trusted form of communication. And considering that SMS has a spam rate of 2.8%, as opposed to the whopping 53% spam rate for an email, it’s no wonder users prefer texting. There are also indications that sending mass calls and voicemails are becoming increasingly spammed, as downloads of call-blocking apps have risen 495% since 2016.

Text Marketing Features

When you combine our text marketing services with these awesome features, anything is possible! Our sms marketing platform delivers the tools you need to boost company sales, revenue, customer engagement, and stay connected with your customers.

Short Code Texting Service

Send mass text messages to customers fast from a memorable 5-6 digit phone number.


Send cool pictures, emojis, GIFs, links to your website, and even audio messages.

Long Code Texting Service

Send text messages from a local phone number that your recipients will know and trust.

10DLC Capable

Get a new SMS long code solution for all of your U.S. A2P text messaging use cases.

SMS 2 Way

Engage customers by sending & receiving bulk SMS & create powerful conversations.

SMS Appointment Reminders

Reduce missed appointments by sending automated SMS reminders to your customers.

Schedule SMS

Schedule texting campaigns to be sent out at optimal times for higher conversions.

Two-Factor Authentication

Send text messages to users of your application, website, or software to ensure secure logins.


Automate your entire SMS campaign and the response customers receive after replying.

Opt Out Handling

Recipients can easily remove themselves from your SMS campaign with a click of a button.

Number Pooling

Use multiple phone numbers to deliver even more text messages to your entire contact list.

Detailed Reports

Get detailed reports on how many text messages are sent, plus more valuable data.

Text Marketing for Businesses and Organizations

Industry research creates a convincing argument for why businesses and organizations should integrate SMS marketing platforms into their communication strategies. Smartphones are the most widely-owned piece of technology, providing businesses with the broadest audience reach possible.

And considering that data indicates that users consider text messaging more reasonable and trustworthy, text marketing offers businesses the best chance of reaching their customers.

But mass text messaging is not just far-reaching and reliable: it is also lucrative. A 2021 industry research report estimated the 2020 SMS marketing software market value at roughly $5.5M, projected to reach $24.7M by 2028.

Other Benefits of Text Marketing

Though businesses might initially balk at paying for SMS texting software, such software has become increasingly affordable while offering substantial cost savings through resource streamlining and strategic outreach. The right SMS text marketing service can help companies reach more users more effectively, all while requiring fewer resources.

Such benefits are not limited to large corporations: text marketing for small businesses is equally as powerful. Another recent report from 2021 showed that the compound annual growth rate for small and medium businesses is forecasted to grow by at least 23% by 2025 for businesses that adopt SMS technologies and maximize communication cost savings.

And though, unfortunately, there is no free text message marketing for small businesses, the best SMS messaging service providers offer further savings through volume or bulk discounts, customized pricing, and price-match guarantees. Pricing and related fees should be transparent and listed on the provider’s website so businesses can compare software to find the best deal.

Why Choose Our Text Message Marketing Services?

We strive to be the best text marketing service in the industry. Our trusted SMS marketing service provides quality performance to drive your communication strategy. From integration to your first SMS campaign, we make the entire process uncomplicated.

1. World Class Support

Most text message marketing services don’t have active online support channels customers can speak to when they need it the most, and we understand. That’s why we have 24/7, around the clock emergency support for our text marketing service.

  • Fast Response Times
  • Fast Troubleshooting
  • Chat, Email, & Phone Support

2. Global Text Marketing Service

Our text marketing service for businesses enables you to leverage your business communication globally without any interruptions. Don’t worry about the distance! Get connectivity in more than 190 countries.

  • Tier 1 SMS Network
  • 99.9% Guaranteed Uptime

3. Government Level Security

Our text marketing service is 256 Bit Encrypted (typically only reserved for governments and militaries), SOC2 Type 2 Certified, HITRUST Certified. Hardware-based SMS servers are strategically located throughout the US-owned and operated by Esendex.

  • 256 Bit Encrypted
  • HITRUST Certified
  • SOC2 Certified

The Esendex Difference

Since the early 2000s, Esendex has been one of the industry’s most trusted SMS marketing platform.

The truth is we do things differently. Our vision is to shape your connections to the world through reliable, usable, and adaptable Communication and Data APIs.

24/7 Support – Lowest Pricing Multiple – Service Channels

What Our Customers Have to Say

We’ve been rated 5 out 5 stars on Capterra, GetApp, Google and Facebook – based on 40+ reviews.
We’re a Twilio competitor you can trust to provide you with the best services.

There are two primary components of an SMS marketing message: the number the message is sent from and the message’s actual content. Both of these play a role in why text marketing is so effective.

Short Codes

Business text messaging is differentiated from person-to-person text messaging primarily through short codes and keywords, making them practically necessities for any organization seeking to integrate SMS marketing into their communication strategies.

SMS Short codes are five- or six-digit phone numbers from which businesses can send SMS or MMS messages. Businesses can specifically pick the order number, in which case the shortcode is referred to as a ‘SMS vanity code‘ or accept a randomly-generated short code, called a ‘SMS random code.’

Businesses used to be able to share and simultaneously use shortcodes, appropriately dubbed ‘shared short codes.’ However, the rise in spamming and best practice non-compliance associated with these shortcodes caused them to be phased out. Instead, businesses each have a ‘dedicated short codes that only belongs to them for the term of the code lease.

Dedicated short codes are preferable in that they help businesses build brand recognition and foster trustworthy relationships with subscribers. This way, users are always aware of which business is texting them and for what reason.


SMS keywords are specific letters, words, or phrases that users can reply with to trigger a specific action, such as requesting additional information or entering a contest. Texting ‘C’ to confirm an appointment, ‘savings’ to receive a coupon, and ‘be seated’ to add their name to a waiting list are all examples of keywords that might be used.

In business text messaging, keywords are necessary because they give the user a simple, quick, and easy way to interact with your messages. Keywords take minimal time and effort so that users experience minimal disruption.

As technology grows more pervasive, users’ attention is increasingly stretched thin and divided. Instead of competing for attention, keywords allow users to quickly accomplish their goals and return their focus to other matters. At the same time, this strategy boosts your open, read, and engagement rates with text campaigns.

Small business text marketing primarily benefits from this, allowing employees to focus on other responsibilities instead of responding to user inquiries.

User segmentation is a text marketing strategy that divides subscribers into groups according to specific criteria, such as geographic location or demographic characteristics (age, gender, marital status, etc.). By doing so, businesses can tailor text messages to better appeal to each group, offering more value and making the messages more effective.

For example, a business may communicate with several different groups using SMS: its employees, customers, and partners. Each of these groups has different needs, so it benefits everyone only to receive messages that are relevant to them.

In turn, this reduces potential subscriber frustration or annoyance. Businesses can proactively decrease subscriber attrition rates by sending messages that users will find engaging, relevant, or necessary (i.e., lower campaign opt-out rates).

Analytics and reporting capabilities (which every text marketing software provider should offer) can help businesses to make their text campaigns even more effective. Such tools report on how well specific texts or campaigns ‘perform’ so businesses can make adjustments as necessary.

Get all of your text marketing questions answered here.

How to do cold text marketing?

Text marketing is a powerful tool to help businesses reach new customers and grow their business. However, it’s essential to understand how to use text marketing correctly to get the most out of it. Here are some tips on how to do cold text marketing:

  1. Make sure you have a list of SMS opt-in customers. With a list of customers who have opted-in to receive your texts, you can reach them. This is the most critical step in text marketing.
  2. Create a message that is clear and concise. Your customers should be able to understand your message quickly and easily.
  3. Use a text marketing platform to send your messages. This will help you track your results and ensure that your messages are delivered correctly.
  4. Test your text marketing campaign before you launch it. This will help you identify any potential problems so that you can fix them before they cause any damage to your business.
  5. Monitor your results carefully. Text marketing can be a great way to reach new customers, but it’s essential to monitor your results so that you can make adjustments if necessary.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your text marketing campaign is successful and helps you reach your business goals.

What is text message marketing?

Text message marketing, also known as SMS marketing, is a robust tool businesses can use to reach and engage their customers. Businesses can instantly deliver important information, offers, and reminders by sending text messages directly to customers’ phones. Businesses can easily create and manage their SMS campaigns with a text marketing platform. Text message marketing platforms provide features like campaign management, automation, and reporting, making it easy to track the success of your SMS campaigns.

How to send marketing text?

If you’re looking to reach a large audience with your marketing message, text marketing is a great option. Text messages have high open rates, making them an effective way to get your message in front of potential customers. To get started with text marketing, you’ll need a text marketing platform. This will allow you to send mass texts to a list of contacts. There are a number of different platforms to choose from, so be sure to do your research and find one that best fits your needs.

Once you have a platform set up, you can start creating your text messages. Keep your messages clear and concise, and make sure they offer value to your recipients. If you’re offering discounts or coupons, be sure to include a call to action so recipients know how to take advantage of your offer. Sending marketing texts can be a great way to reach a large audience with your message. By using a text marketing platform and crafting clear, concise messages, you can ensure that your message is seen by potential customers.

Products for a range of use cases


Texting API designed to send & receive SMS & MMS globally using a short code or 10DLC number.

SMS Software

Easy to use SMS software that can send & receive SMS & MMS using a short code or 10DLC number.

Voice Broadcast

Powerful voice API that sends mass automated phone calls quickly to mobile & landline devices.

Phone Verification

Verify mobile & landline numbers, find service providers, & define time zones to restrict calling.

Let’s start sending, together.